Identifiable personal information

By visiting the FlapTik app you remain anonymous. Your clarifying information is not recorded. We may only collect and store it in accordance with your agreement.

Users always calculate the calculation limit, however, if the user changes the information, it must be accurate and truthful, for which the user is responsible. Our application does not accept false information, and if we detect that a user is using incorrect information, we may confirm or terminate your access to the application.


We cooperate with advertisers for our development. Ads are provided by our advertising partners, who may use cookies. However, they only have access to non-personal information about you or the people using your computer and do not have access to information about you such as your name, email address, or your real address.

You can reject cookies on our site or app because FlapTik does not force you to use advertising.

Changes to the privacy policy.

FlapTik has the right to update its privacy policy at any time. You will find a notice of change on the main page of our application indicating the date of update. 

We encourage users to check frequently for changes to stay informed about new measures to protect personal data.

You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to check for updates and changes to the privacy policy.

Your agreement to these terms.

By using the FlapTik application you agree to the use of this policy. If not, please stop using our services. However, if you continue to use the application and site, then you automatically agree to our proposed rules.